The staff of the Office of Economic and Demographic Research makes presentations to legislative staff and the public on a variety of topics.
Affordable Care Act and Health Care
- Economics of Health Care Spending 10/8/15 [pdf] (revised 10/15/15)
- Ten-Year Impact Analysis of Amendment to SB 2-A 6/2/15 [pdf]
- Impact Analysis of SB 2-A, As Filed(with preliminary numbers for Proposed Amendment) 6/1/15 [pdf]
- Impact Analysis: LIP, IGTs and SB 2512 4/21/15 [pdf]
- Economic Analysis of PPACA and Medicaid Expansion 3/4/13 [pdf]
- State Employees Health Insurance: Impact of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 2/18/13 [pdf]
- Social Services Estimating Conference: Impact of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 2/18/13 [pdf]
Budget, Including Miscellaneous Cost Drivers
- State Group Health Insurance Program: Options for Encouraging Participation in High Deductible Health Plans & Health Savings Accounts 12/2/21 [pdf]
- FRS: History of Funded Status 2/4/21 [pdf]
- The Budget Control Act & Federal Deficit Reduction 9/20/11 [pdf]
- Florida: A Budget Overview 8/1/11 [pdf]
- Florida: Conference Update 1/12/11 [pdf]
- House Justice Appropriations Subcommittee Criminal Justice Estimating Conference Results Presentation 9/25/13 [pdf]
- Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice - Criminal Justice Estimating Conference Results Presentation 2/20/13 [pdf]
- Senate Budget Committee, Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations - Criminal Justice Estimating Conference Results Presentation 11/15/11 [pdf]
- House Judiciary Committee, Criminal Justice Subcommittee Criminal Justice Estimating Conference Results and Trends Presentation 11/1/11 [pdf]
- House Justice Appropriations Subcommittee Criminal Justice Estimating Conference Results Presentation 10/19/11 [pdf]
- Senate Criminal Justice Committee Trends Related to New Commitments to Prison with a Drug Primary Offense Presentation 9/20/11 [pdf]
- Senate Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations Committee Criminal Justice Estimating Conference Results Presentation 2/15/11 [pdf]
- House Justice Appropriations Committee Criminal Justice Estimating Conference Results Presentation 2/9/11 [pdf]
- Senate Criminal Justice Committee Trends Related to New Commitments to Prison with a Drug Primary Offense Presentation 12/8/10 [pdf]
- Senate Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations Committee Criminal Justice Estimating Conference Results Presentation 3/3/10 [pdf]
- House Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations Committee Criminal Justice Estimating Conference Results Presentation 1/19/10 [pdf]
- Economic Overviews
Please select from the list of pdfs below. To select more than one option, hold down the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Mac) while selecting with the mouse. Anything selected will open in a new tab or window.
Florida: An Economic Overview 8/19/24 Florida: An Economic Overview 1/22/24 Florida: An Economic Overview 8/22/23 Florida: An Economic Overview 8/24/22 Florida: An Economic Overview 2/17/22 Florida: An Economic Overview 1/3/22 Florida: An Economic Overview 12/8/21 Florida: An Economic Overview 8/31/21 Florida: An Economic Overview 12/30/20 Florida: An Economic Overview 2/24/20 Florida: An Economic Overview 1/15/20 Florida: An Economic Overview 1/8/20 Florida: An Economic Overview 8/26/19 Florida: An Economic Overview 12/26/18 Florida: An Economic Overview 8/17/18 Florida: An Economic Overview 2/7/18 Florida: An Economic Overview 11/30/17 Florida: An Economic Overview 7/28/17 Florida: An Economic Overview 3/17/17 Florida: An Economic Overview 2/9/17 Florida: An Economic Overview 1/10/17 Florida: An Economic Overview 11/1/16 Florida: An Economic Overview 8/24/16 Florida: An Economic Overview 7/14/16 Florida: An Economic Overview 6/03/16 Florida: An Economic Overview 5/03/16 Florida: An Economic Overview 3/28/16 Florida: An Economic Overview 1/26/16 Florida: An Economic Overview 12/28/15 Florida: An Economic Overview 11/19/15 Florida: An Economic Overview 8/26/15 Florida: An Economic Overview 7/16/15 Florida: An Economic Overview 6/17/15 Florida: An Economic Overview 3/30/15 Florida: An Economic Overview 2/5/15 Florida: An Economic Overview 1/6/15 Florida: An Economic Overview 12/04/14 Florida: An Economic Overview 9/15/14 Florida: An Economic Overview 8/18/14 Florida: An Economic Overview 7/15/14 Florida: An Economic Overview 5/14/14 Florida: An Economic Overview 3/31/14 Florida: An Economic Overview 2/13/14 Florida: An Economic Overview 1/28/14 Florida: An Economic Overview 12/16/13 Florida: An Economic Overview 11/14/13 Florida: An Economic Overview 8/21/13 Florida: An Economic Overview 7/17/13 Florida: An Economic Overview 6/19/13 Florida: An Economic Overview 4/23/13 Florida: An Economic Overview 3/24/13 Florida: An Economic Overview 2/05/13 Florida: An Economic Overview 1/10/13 Florida: An Economic Overview 12/03/12 Florida: An Economic Overview 11/06/12 Florida: An Economic Overview 8/16/12 Florida: An Economic Overview 7/13/12 Florida: An Economic Overview 6/21/12 Florida: An Economic Overview 6/06/12 Florida: An Economic Overview 5/01/12 Florida: An Economic Overview 4/18/12 Florida: An Economic Overview 3/15/12 Florida: An Economic Overview 2/15/12 Florida: An Economic Overview 1/25/12 Florida: An Economic Overview 1/13/12 Florida: An Economic Overview 12/06/11 Florida: An Economic Overview 10/27/11 Florida: An Economic Overview 10/10/11 Florida: An Economic Overview 9/14/11 Florida: An Economic Overview 7/27/11 Florida: An Economic Overview 6/23/11 Florida: An Economic Overview 4/30/11 Florida: An Economic Overview 3/28/11 Florida: An Economic Overview 2/07/11 Florida: An Economic Overview 1/14/11 Florida: An Economic Overview 12/07/10 Florida: An Economic Overview 11/02/10 Florida: An Economic Overview 7/23/10 Florida: An Economic Overview 6/17/10 Florida: An Economic Overview 2/15/10 Florida: An Economic Overview 2/03/10 Florida: An Economic Overview 1/26/10 Florida: An Economic Overview 1/15/10 Florida: An Economic Overview 10/07/09 Florida: An Economic Overview 8/04/09 Florida: An Economic Overview 6/23/09 Florida: An Economic Overview 6/17/09 Florida: An Economic Overview 5/18/09 Florida: An Economic Overview 3/16/09 Florida: An Economic Overview 2/16/09 Florida: An Economic Overview 12/17/08 Florida: An Economic Overview 12/10/08 Florida: An Economic Overview 11/17/08 - Miscellaneous Economic Topics
- Florida: An Update on Tourism 1/27/21 [pdf]
- Florida: An Economic & Revenue Update 1/14/21 [pdf]
- Florida: An Economic Overview Focusing on County Differences 1/8/19 [pdf]
- Potential Hurricane Issues: State-Funded Revenue & Expenditures 10/25/17 [pdf]
- Florida's Economic Future & the Impact of Aging 2/5/15 [pdf]
- Florida: An Overview of Foreclosures 2/4/15 [pdf]
- Florida's Economic Future & the Impact of Aging 3/17/14 [pdf]
- Florida: An Overview of Foreclosures 1/24/13 [pdf]
- Florida's Economic Future & the Impact of Aging in Place 5/11/12 [pdf]
- Florida: An Overview of Foreclosures 9/20/11 [pdf] (revised)
- Oil and Gas Lease Auctions: An Economic Perspective 3/15/10 [pdf]
- Near-Term Florida Outlook Risk Analysis 1/20/10 [pdf]
- Florida: Fall Conference Update 12/7/09 [pdf]
- Florida: Employment Outlook 10/6/09 [pdf]
- Economic Impact Analysis: Seminole Tribe of Florida 3/20/09 [pdf]
- Issues and Concerns [pdf]
- Addendum Regarding Convention Business [pdf]
- Economic Differences: Urban and Rural Areas 11/13/17 [pdf]
- Returns on Investment: Key Results, Findings & Recommendations from FY 2016-2017 Reports 2/9/17 [pdf]
- Florida's Financially-Based Economic Development Tools: Return on Investment & Net GDP per State Dollar 2/8/17 [pdf]
- Florida's Financially-Based Economic Development Tools & Return on Investment 1/11/17 [pdf]
- Economic Analysis: Reserve vs. Pay-As-You-Go 1/21/16 [pdf]
- Florida's Financially-Based Economic Development Tools 10/8/15 [pdf]
- Presentation: Return on Investment In Florida Practice 2/4/15 [pdf]
- Presentation: Analysis of Enterprise Zone Program Options 2/2/15 [pdf]
- Return-on-Investment for Select Economic Development Incentive Programs 1/20/15 [pdf]
- Return-on-Investment for Select Economic Development Incentive Programs 1/15/14 [pdf]
- Appropriations for Education: Conference Update 3/13/13 [pdf]
- Florida Economic Trends: Key Short Term and Long-Term Drivers 6/11/12 [pdf]
- Education Conference Update 1/19/12 [pdf]
- Education Budget: Update from Supporting Conferences 10/20/11 [pdf]
- Education Conference Update 3/3/10 [pdf]
- Property Tax Adjustments & Education Funding 12/13/07 [pdf]
- Pre K-12 Public Schools FTE Student Enrollment 12/13/07 [pdf]
- Presentation to Florida School Finance Officers Association Fall Conference 11/14/03 [pdf]
- Florida Gaming and the Lottery: Economics, Status and Impact 2/27/23 [pdf]
- Gaming Revenue Update: Indian Gaming and Slots Activity 1/24/19 [pdf]
- Update: Seminole Compact Revenue Sharing 11/8/17 [pdf]
- Slots: Revenue Overview 2/9/17 [pdf]
- Seminole Compact: Revenue Overview 1/12/17 [pdf]
- Proposed 2015 Compact: Revenue Overview (Simple Ratification) 1/27/16 [pdf]
- Gaming: Revenue Overiew 3/26/15 [pdf]
- Gaming: An Economic Overview 1/14/13 [pdf]
- Destination Resorts: Analysis of Senate Bill 710 12/7/11 [pdf]
- Using An Auction Mechanism To Grant Gaming Licenses 3/11/10 [pdf]
- Gaming Compact: A Financial Comparison 11/2/09 [pdf]
- Economic Impact Analysis: Seminole Tribe of Florida 3/20/09 [pdf]
- Issues and Concerns [pdf]
- Addendum Regarding Convention Business [pdf]
- Florida Overview: Local Government Revenue Sources 2/4/21 [pdf]
- Economic Development: Financial Reference Manual 1/11/12 [pdf]
Long-Range Financial Outlook (Three-Year Plan)
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 9/6/24 [pdf]
- Update: Long-Range Financial Outlook 11/14/23 [pdf]
- Update: Long-Range Financial Outlook 10/11/23 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 9/8/23 [pdf]
- Florida: Drivers of the Long-Range Financial Outlook 12/14/22 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 9/9/22 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 10/14/21 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 9/10/20 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 9/12/19 [pdf]
- Update: Long-Range Financial Outlook 1/8/19 [pdf]
- Update: Long-Range Financial Outlook 12/12/18 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 9/14/18 [pdf]
- Update: Long-Range Financial Outlook as Adjusted by Hurricane Irma 10/12/17 [pdf]
- Update: Long-Range Financial Outlook 10/10/17 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 9/15/17 [pdf]
- Update: Long-Range Financial Outlook 12/15/16 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 9/12/16 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 9/15/15 [pdf]
- Update: Long-Range Financial Outlook 01/7/15 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 9/10/14 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 9/12/13 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook: Education 9/25/13 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 12/5/12 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 9/12/12 [pdf]
- Update: Long-Range Financial Outlook 01/19/12 [pdf]
- Update: Long-Range Financial Outlook 10/20/11 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 9/7/11 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 9/14/10 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 9/15/09 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 9/3/09 [pdf]
- Long-Range Financial Outlook 6/18/08 [pdf]
- Demographic Overview & Population Trends 1/28/20 [pdf]
- Demographic Overview & Population Trends 11/6/13 [pdf]
- Demographic Overview: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission 10/9/13 [pdf]
- Funding Our Future Symposium 8/22/12 [pdf]
- Florida: Demographic Trends 9/26/11 [pdf]
- Florida: Demographic Overview 4/20/11 [pdf]
- Census 2010 - Select Policy Council on Strategic & Economic Planning [pdf]
- Florida: Demographic Overview 10/7/09 [pdf]
- Florida: Demographic In-Depth Analysis 9/6/07 [pdf]
- Florida: Demographic Overview 6/14/07 [pdf]
- Interim Findings from the Forida Property Tax Study Reports 3/9/07 [pdf]
- Presentation to the Governor's Property Tax Reform Commission [pdf]
- Presentation to the Senate Finance & Tax Committee on Property Tax Reform Efforts [pdf]
- Presentation on Property Taxes and Education Funding [pdf]
- Presentation to the House Interim Workgroup on Affordable Housing [pdf]
- An Overview of Gross Receipts and PECO Bonding 9/27/12 [pdf]
- An Overview of Gross Receipts and PECO Bonding 6/11/12 [pdf]
- Unemployment Compensation Tax: Fiscal Impact of Business Proposals 1/11/12 [pdf]
- Using An Auction Mechanism To Grant Gaming Licenses 3/11/10 [pdf]
- Gaming Compact: A Financial Comparison 11/2/09 [pdf]
- Economic Impact Analysis: Seminole Tribe of Florida 3/20/09 [pdf]
- Issues and Concerns [pdf]
- Addendum Regarding Convention Business [pdf] - Revenue Sources and Trust Funds 4/08/08 [pdf]
- Property Tax Adjustments & Education Funding 12/13/07 [pdf]
- Florida's Families and Children Below the Federal Poverty Level 2/17/16 [pdf]
- Medicaid Estimates: An Overview with TANF and Kidcare 1/12/11 [pdf]
Statewide Policy Analysis Tools
- Statewide Model and Dynamic Scoring Presentation - Mission San Luis Retreat 10/12/12 [pdf]
- Florida: Economic Analysis presentation 10/06/11 [pdf]
- Statewide Policy Analysis Tools presentation 08/16/10 [pdf]
Water Resources and Conservation Lands
- Annual Assessment of Florida's Water Resources and Conservation Lands presentation 01/18/23 [pdf]
- Annual Assessment of Florida's Water Resources and Conservation Lands presentation 01/21/20 [pdf]
Last Revised: September 6, 2024