Related Sites
Below are a series of links to other websites which may be of interest to visitors to the EDR website.
indicates the link will open in new window.
- Florida Department of Law Enforcement
- Florida Department of Juvenile Justice
- Florida Court System
- Florida Department of Corrections
- U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance
- SUS Factbook - contains data about the State University System
- Florida Department of Education K-20 Budget
- Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program
- Educational Facilities Budgeting
- Florida College System Fact Books
Florida Economic, Financial, and Demographic
- Bureau of Economic and Business Research - University of Florida
- Labor Market and Employment Data
- Florida State Board of Administration
- Federal Reserve Bank - Atlanta
- Florida Legislature - Online Sunshine
- Florida House of Representatives
- Florida Senate
- Metropolitan Planning Organizations
- Regional Planning Councils
- Water Management Districts
- County Governments
- Municipal Governments - Directory (Florida League of Cities, Inc.)
- Municipal Governments - Research & Resources (Florida League of Cities, Inc.)
- School Districts
Population, Demographic, and 2000 Census
- Bureau of Economic and Business Research - University of Florida
- US Census Bureau - US Department of Commerce
- State Population Counts from 2000 Census
- US Census Bureau - Gateway to Census 2000
- 2000 Census Data (100% items)
- U.S. Census Bureau--redistricting summary tables
- Florida Census Data Center--redistricting data for the state and county
- League of Women Voters' Democracy Net
- Florida Division of Elections
- Federal Elections Commission
- U.S. Census Bureau Redistricting Data Program
- Census Bureau TIGER Web Site
- ESRI TIGER Translation Web Site
U.S. Economic, Financial, and Demographic
- Federal Reserve Bank Databank
- Bureau of Labor Statistics - US Department of Labor
- National Bureau of Economic Research
- US Census Bureau - US Department of Commerce
- Bureau of Economic Analysis - US Department of Commerce
- Regional Economic Data
- National Income and Products Accounts
- CPI - Link to current CPI
Last Revised: March 15, 2023